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What it is the Capoeira?
It is dance? It is game? It is fight? Is everything this at the same time?
It seems that yes, and it is this that becomes it so complex, so rich, so surprising. It is fight, "of most violent and treacherous", dissimulated, disfarçada in "toy", game of physical ability, astuteness, beauty... and much malice! The game of the Capoeira in one of the old wheels of the Bahia.
The Capoeira is a manifestation of the Brazilian popular culture that congregates characteristics very peculiar:
1. It is a compound of fight-game-dances;
2. 2. The rhythm and the characteristics of the game are conducted by the touch of berimbau, preponderant instrument in the capoeira orchestra (that it also includes the pandeiro, atabaque, beyond agogô, reco-reco, adufe etc.)
3. 3. The cânticos (to the folloied times of palms) also have important function in the determination of the type of game.
4. 4. It is a bonanza system of self-defense and physical training, being distinguished enters the porting modalities for to be only originariamente the Brazilian one and based on our cultural traditions.
The space where if it practises the capoeira is the wheel, a circle around which if seats (or only they are agacham) the practitioners. Together to the entrance of the wheel they are the instruments, with o(s) berimbau(s) to the center, commanding the wheel. All the participants must know to play the way instruments, that can be revezar in the function, thus allowing that all have its time to play.
The palms are responsibility of that they are seated attending, waiting its time to play, following always the rhythm dictated for berimbau. All must answer in choir to sung verses. A good wheel of capoeira happens when all the involved ones, still that few, will be participating with will, giving body to the musical accompaniment and thus increasing the motivation of that they play.
The Capoeira is a cultural complex riquíssimo; when we, Brazilians, will have really left of being the "suicidal cultural ones" who for times still we are, and then we will have learned to give the due value to the most genuine creations of our proper culture, certainly the the most quoted capoeira we will be considered as a diamond of between the cultural products of the Brazilian people.
According to Francisco Pear tree Da Silva, studious serious of our folklore, "no fact related with the Brazilian popular culture he will have excited in such a way and so drawn out debate how much the Capoeira. Its origin, the origin of the name, the implications in the social order, had determined quarrels that until recent times had stirred up the spirits.
Etimologistas, anthropologists, folcloristas, historians, have participated in fight literary with its to seem, certifications or palpites. While this, went the policy ' contributing ' with the old argument of chanfalho and cavalry leg... " The Capoeira already was reason of great controversy enters the scholars of its history, over all as for the understood period enters its sprouting - supposedly in century XVII, when the first enslaved movements of escape and revolt had occurred - and century XIX, when they appear the first trustworthy registers, with descriptions detailed on practical its.
First the great studious question that if placed to the age: the Capoeira appeared in Africa or Brazil? Currently, this question is considered as already decided. The certainty is had today of that the capoeira is, in fact, genuinamente Brazilian a cultural manifestation. Everything leads to believe that it is an invention of the Africans in Brazil, developed for its descendants afro-Brazilians. She is Brazilian, but of African cultural root. It has a caused an accident, dotted history of vexatious and truculentos episodes.
Pursued since the start, in the cauldron that mixed the some etnias that form our people, gained fame of practical harm, thing of malandros, thieves, "loafers". The persecution lasted until the decade of 1930, when, favours mainly to the work of Bimba Master - "the Lutero of the Capoeira" - and its disciples, inaugurated it its social recognition and effective phase systematization of the education of the capoeira, as well as the one of all the other cultural manifestations of African matrix.
1. The name of Pastinha Master also was distinguished in this phase, remaining both - Master Bimba and Mestre Pastinha - as the two bigger lendários heroes of the capoeira. They say, today, the masters wiser than it is the balance enters the two better characteristics of one and another one - the explosion of the pure warrior, on the other hand, and the poetry of the movement, for another one - what all capoeirista it would have to look for to reach, always!
2. The Capoeira was born and grew here, under the conditions of the slavery. It certifies it the principle that establishes the fight, of the dissimulation, that makes to prevent the direct confrontation and it becomes it much more dangerous, much more treacherous
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