Forming champion in the sport and the life!!!
The Muay Thai (Tailandês - = Muay = art e = Thai = free) also known as Boxe Tailandês, is the national sport of Thailand.
Created Martial art has a thousand years more than, is considered one of the most powerful fights of exchange (total contact) of the world,therefore it is characterized for the use of the elbows, violent knees and blows with the cinnamon and feet, beyond the fists.
One fight that besides having the socos devastadores of boxe English, is considered the martial art that more makes efficient use of the knees and elbows. Considered today as the best fight of contact of the world, muay thai comes gaining each time more practicing, is a very agresiva fight that develops an excellent fisico conditioning, concentration and auto-confidence.
The world-wide Confederation of Muay Thai banished the cotoveladas ones of the official fights for preservation of the athletes, being considered only in the Asian. History the history of Muay Thai walks together with the history of the tailandês people - both are however difficult to discover its origins. When the Birmane army invaded and arrasou Ayuddhaya, the archives of tailandesa history had been lost. With them, it was also very of the history of the start of the Muay Thai.
The little that we know, comes of the writings of birmane, old Cambodian européias visits and some of the chronicles of the Kingdom of Lanna - Chiangmai. What all the sources agree is that the Muay Thai started in a battlefield of wild combat in the form to fight.
The tailandês Muay lode of the evolution of the pitched fights. The sources are not clear and frequently they contradict if they contradict. But it has two main theories. Some older historians and the counted verbal tradition for anciãos(pessoas) say that the art if developed together with the tribes of the tailandês people who lived in the neighborhoods of China suffering great influence from the Chinese arts of combat in the fights in the agricola field and the land search to live and to plant.
To another theory he says that the people tailandes already was in the area that today is the Tailandia and that the tailandês Muay was developed to defend the land and the people of constant threats of invasion.
As, he is controversial, he has considerable academic support and few archaeological evidences. However, the first source is possible therefore is in accordance with the version of the old practicing masters of this art is known the use of the Muay Thai as a tradition and in the essential part of right of the tailandesa culture and its roots.
In Thailand, the sport of kings is considered. Old, national subjects had been determined in fights of Muay Thai. First the great register on the Muay Thai as fight and also as an ability in the battlefield, this at the time of King Naresuan in 1584, a known time as the period of Ayuddhaya.
During this period, all welded trained Muay Thai and would have to use metodo, as the King also made it. Slowly the Muay Thai if moved for far of its root the ' Chupasart ' and new techniques of the fight had been evolving. The change in the art was continued underneath of another King fighter - Prachao Its - the King of Tiger.
He loved Muay Thai normally as much that he himself fought frequently masked in competition places, and knocking down the local champions. During the reign of the King of Tiger the nation was the peace.
The King, kept the busy army, commanded the training in tailandês Muay. The interest in the sport already was high but now the value of the Muay Thai had increased consideravelmente.
The tailandês Boxe if became the favourite trick and pastime of the people, army and the King historical Sources show that the people of all the levels and at moments of its lives if had congregated to train in encampments. Rich, poor, young or old, all had made the training in the MuayThai at some moment of the life.
Today we have what we can call thai boxe muay thai to the modern system. It is old the competitions of fights. All the villages organized its prizes and fights and had had its champions. All matches if had become a bet competition as also a competition of local pride.
The tradition to bet remained with the sport and today great additions in the result of the fights are bet. Tailandês Boxe always was popular but as the majority of the esportivos games, had moments where it was more in the fashion. In the reign of King Rama V, many Muay fighters they were fighters of the real guard.
These pugilistas had been rewarded with headings of the army for the King Today the headings, as Muen Muay Mee Chue de Chaiya or Muen Muay Man Mudh de Lopburi is virtually intraduzíveis. They want to say something comparable the Specialization in the art to beat. In the occasion they had been admired and respected for these headings.
The Rama period of V was another golden age of the Muay Thai. Fights in the encampments constant and were valued, the Real Command - it enlisted the pugilistas talentosos to be part of the guard of the King. The promoters of the Fights had started to make the great Fights that had been given great prizes and honor its winners.
This moved the people in such a way then how much the main matches that today become in Bangkok in fights in stadiums. The fights were not made in ringues as we know in the Muay more recent Thai. Any available space of the certain size was used, a patio, a village open field.
The changes that the sport suffered had been radical changes also in the equipment use. For example, tailandeses fighters had always used the low kicks.The knee kick or in the genital orgãos, for the Fighters was a perfectly legal movement until the years of 1930. However at this time a protection was made of tree, coconut palms or shells of sea where they had around involved the material with pieces of cloth moored between the legs and of the waist.
It was you give that coquilha appeared. In 1930 they had come the change most radical in the sport. It was then that one introduced the rules of today and regulations.
Ropes moored to the arms and hands had been abandoned and gloves had passed to be used by the fighters. This innovation also if must to the respect and tailandeses the increasing success of the Pugilistas in boxe international. Together with the introduction of gloves, it came based classrooms of weight in the divisions of boxe international.
These and other innovations - as the introduction of five rounds, substantially modified the fight techniques that the pugilistas used thus causing the disappearance of some important fighters of the time. Before the introduction of weight classrooms, a fighter could fight with any adversary of size and difference of weight. However, the introduction of the weight classrooms helped the fighters to fight more pair uped and uniformly sainda of each category a champion. The majority of the tailandeses fighters belongs to the lower classrooms of weight. Seventy percent of all the fighters belong to the fly and small divisions of weight. It has medium and half-heavy but they are not seen with freqüencia and the weighed categories more rare fight. The stadiums, before rigues current, had started during the reign of Rama VII before the Second World War I.
During the war, they had disappeared gradually but they had grown quickly of new soon later - the tailandês Muay did not have lost nothing of its attraction. The pugilistas of the part north of the country a time more were in the direction of the fame and richness in Bangkok.
The glory could be found in stadiums as Rajdamnern and Lumpinee. Later, they had started to fight to the living creature for the television. Canal 7 of the tailandia and broadcasting had started to show the fights in colors have 25 years more than behind. Today the battle art evolved for a popular sport [ to edit ] Tecnicas basic the offensive techniques is the fists, elbows, canelas, feet, and knees. To bind the opponent for offensive and defensive purposes, the small amounts of are -above grappling are used: the Clinch. Muay Thai is frequent an art of combat of the attrition, where the exchange of the opponents establishes one with the other.
This is certainly the case with the traditional fighters in Thailand, but it is a form more less popular of the fight in the circuit of combat of the world occidental person.
With the success of Muay Thai in the mixed martial arts that fight, it seated well in the one of fact that the martial art of the choice for competitive is -above fighters. In consequence, it evolved orderly and used the impressive techniques incorporated of a much more powerful hand in boxe occidental person of the style, and the Tailandes style to change the blow for the blow is already not favorable. Note: when the fighters of Muay Thai compete of meeting to the fighters of other styles (and if the rulers to allow), emphasize invariàvel almost techniques of the elbow (sok) and the knee (kao) to gain a distinct advantage in the fight.
Almost all the techniques in the use of Muay Thai the entire movement of the body, turning hip with each kick, the perforator, and the block. The rotation of hips in techniques Muay Thai, and the focus intensive of the one "in the muscles nucleus" (as the surrounding muscles abdominal and muscles) is very distinctive and is what it differentiates the Muay Thai of other styles of martial arts.
The Clinch The Clinch is applied arresting the opponent around the throat and of the head or around the body. The hold of the throat is general pool the Thai clinch. To rivet is used extensively in Muay Thai and to the times to rivet goes on for one all round one. In the Muay ocidental(Kick Boxing), the two fighters are separate when they rivet, in Muay Thai however, they are not separate.
He is frequent in the clinch where the techniques of the knee are used. The clinch must be executed with the palm of a hand in the back part of the other, the reason, is because the fingers never must be interlaced are natural, therefore for many times, you has gloves of boxe.
The correct clinch also involves its forms that pressure of meeting ao another dos bone da nape of the neck fighters when its hands will be in lathe dos opponent dirigem that its throat better. The common technique to beat only the head for low, to play the opponent. One another one easy technique is attacked with a knee, to play the opponent for the opposing side of the attack knee. This will dislocate its counterbalance and for emitiz it it the canvas or to reserve the hour to execute a knee of its proper ones.
Prohibited Tecnicas Defensive in Muay Thai, is the concept of the "wall of the defense", where the shoulders, the arms and the feet are used of shields successfully to obstruct the techniques of the opponent. To obstruct is a critical element in Muay Thai and combines the level of conditioning of a practitioner. The low kicks and mid of roundhouse of the body are obstructed normally with the superior part of the cinnamon. The high strokes of the body are obstructed with the Antebraço, or if possivel with the cinnamon.
The Mid kicks of roundhouse of the section can also be arrested, stopping the enemy, thus allowing an attack to knock down, or to play the opponent, this attack generally is executed with the remaining foot. The perforators are obstructed with antebraço.
Tecnicas with the Elbow the elbow can be used in seven ways: horizontal line, diagonal line-for top, diagonal line- low, uppercut, descendant, for backwards-turning and flying. Of the side it can be used as a movement of the covering or as a way to cut sobrancelha of its opponent in way that the blood can obstruct its vision. The blood also raises the conscience of the opponent of being wounded which could affect its performance.
That one is the most common way to use the elbow. The diagonal elbows are faster of the one than the other ways, but they are less powerful. The elbows of uppercut and the flight are most powerful, but they are slower and more easy to prevent or to obstruct. The descending elbow is used generally as a movement of the covering. A continuation elbow also has a distinct difference between an elbow only .
The only elbow is a movement of the independent elbow of all the other movement, since an elbow of the continuation is the second stroke of the same arm, being a hook first with a continuation of the elbow. Such elbows, and the majority others of elbows, are used when in the distance between fighters if it becomes too much small e has too much little space to play a hook in the head of oponentes.(As Tecnicas with Fist tambem are used in Muay Thai) technical with the Knee (Kao) Kao Dode (beaten jumping) of the Knee: to boxer Thai jumps above (Vertically) in a foot and exactly hits with the knee of this foot.
Kao Loi (beaten jumping or flying of the knee): to boxer Thai jumps Horizontally with a foot, and exactly hits the opponent with the knee of this pé(como in the Kao Dode, but jumping vertically) Kao Tone (beaten straight line) of the knee: to boxer Thai simply beats straight-line for top. In accordance with an old writing, this technique is umtanto more recent of the one than Kao Dode or Kao Supposed Loi., when boxersThai had fought with cordas(faixas) in the hands, more good that the modern gloves of boxe, this particular technique was subject to one potential cut, cutting and sawing for an alert opponent who obstructs it or deflexione with the sharp edges of the "rope-glove" or to the times for the glass glue in the "rope-gloves".
This communication also arrests true for some of the following strokes of the knee below also. Kao Noi (beaten small) of the knee: to boxer Thai beats in perna(acima of the knee), or in the belly of the opponent when rivetting.
This technique is used to consume the legs of yours challengers. Tecnicas with legs(knee/legs/foots) the kick of Mid and the kick of roundhouse is the two more common kicks in Muay Thai. The kick of roundhouse of Muay Thai was adopted extensively by fighters of other martial arts.
The kick of roundhouse uses a rotatory movement of the entire body. Boxers Thai is trained to always connect with the cinnamon. When sensible in the conditioning of the practitioner, the cinnamon is the strongest part of the leg. The foot will count many fine bones and is much more weak.
The fighter can finish if wounding using the foot. The Foot can be used in form to attack oponete in the belly chest or head, of such form q you them attack with the heel, and horizontally. The fighters of Muay Thai, train legs in appropriate places, thus coating them, or ateh exactly calejando them, for q the defensive impact is lesser, and less crazy, and tabêm the ends to improve the power of attack with legs. Currently the modality possesss adepts in the world all, but its popularity in Thailand is as much that one of the biggest names in the sport, Apdej Sit-Hirun was homaged by the proper king of the country when becoming the champion greater that Thailand already knew.
Nowadays, in ocidente, a graduation through bands moored in the arm of the fighter called Prad Jiad with the respective color of its graduation is made. The Prad Jiad does not have as purpose to demonstrate the graduation, is only one religious object in Thailand, graduated athletes only meets in ocidente.
Before any combat a ritual exists that is carried through by the fighters, called "Ram Muay", with the purpose "to drive away the fear of the heart".
The called testeira "Mong Kong" is part of this ritual. As greeting, we can also cite the Wai Kru, that co The Muay Thai (Tailandês= Muay = art e? = Thai = free) also known as Boxe Tailandês, is the national sport of Thailand. Created Martial art has a thousand years more than, is considered one of the most powerful fights of exchange (total contact) of the world.
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