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The martial arts only enclose, the old styles of Asian fights. Therefore, fights as Boxe, Wrestling, Savate among others, cannot be enclosed in the martial arts. It exists much controversy regarding the origins and history of the martial arts.
It also has registers, as the Epic of Gilgamesh, methods of similar fights to the Jiu-jitsu, as free Fight or Greco-roman Fight, practised in diverse countries at least since 2000 a.C. specific Techniques of fight, had arrived at China through India, cradle of the martial arts.
Of China, the knowledge of techniques and combats without weapons, extended Asian regions among others. In Japan, the forms of more popular fights of the world predominate. The diverse forms of fight that had been developed in Japan, the antiquity, were known in general, as Ju-jitsu or Jiu-jitsu.
Samurai of old feudal Japan, when stopping a combat body-the-body without weapons, was putting in practises the Jiu-jitsu. In relation the calligraphy, we opt to using the word "Jiu-jitsu" instead of "Ju-Jitsu" for the fact of the first one to be more used in Brazil.
The meaning of the two words is the same, as well as the used ideograma in Japanese to write them (Ju means and Jitsu, art or technique soft). In fact, the Japanese traditional art is known by Ju-jitsu, but it was adapted in Brazil, probably to differentiate the Brazilian style developed by the Gracie family, known as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
HISTORY Although to become more popular in Japan, the history of the Jiu-jitsu started in India (therefore the cognominação "the cradle of the martial arts"), had more than two thousand years behind. Monges Indian monasteries were forbidden, for the religion, of if defending with weapons. But in its long walked, they were attacked by outlaws of the mongóis tribes of the north of Asia, having been born then the necessity of prohibited body-the-body.
Experts of vital points of the body, had developed a type of special defense for the physical type of its people, short and weak.
This species of embryo of the Jiu-jitsu finished crossing the borders of China and going for the Japanese archipelago, cultivated, known only for noblemen and samurai, the Jiu-jitsu there, that it means literally, "soft Art".
Old he had some styles of Jiu-jitsu and each fighter had its proper style. Therefore the Jiu-jitsu was known for some names, such as Kumiuchi, Aiki-ju-jitsu, Koppo, Tai-Jutsu, Gusoku, Koshi-no-mawari, Yawara, Hade, Jutai-Jutsu, Shubaku etc.
In the end of the age Tokugawa, they existed about 700 styles of Jiu-jitsu. Each style had proper characteristics. Some gave more emphasis to the projections to the ground, twists, strangulations and others still emphasized, traumatic blows as punch and kicks.
From now on, each style gave origin in accordance with to the development of martial arts currently known its characteristics of fight, between them the Judo, Karate and Aikido for example. For much time, the Jiu-jitsu was the practised fight more in Japan, until the sprouting of the Judo as sport in 1882.
The Jiu-jitsu arrived to be forbidden in Japan during a certain period as crime of injures native land. With the introduction of the culture occidental person in the Japan promoted for emperor Mutsu Hito (1867 - 1912), the martial arts had been forgotten.
They had been only valued later, when ocidente also already appreciated this type of fight. JIU-JITSU IN BRAZIL The Japanese master, Mitsuo known Maeda as Conde Koma, came to Brazil in mission diplomatics, when in Belém, Pará, Gastão Gracie knew, initiating himself a great friendship.
Conde Koma in the reality, was sensei of the school Kodokan de Judo in Japan and in reason of affinity and favors given for Gastão, it started to transmit its knowledge to its son, Carlos Gracie, who after to learn the art taught its brothers, in special the Gracie Helium, them they had improved the learned becoming them more efficient and accessible techniques the physical type of any person.
He was that the brought Brazilian Jiu-jitsu was born, one of best and the more efficient form of self-defense of the world there, already proven, for the results of the constant called competitions mixed martial arts, existing in the world.
The Jiu-Jitsu today, for its necessity in spreading out itself as sport, has rules and consequences limitations, but it continues being the more complete martial art.
The fighter of Jiu-Jitsu, although not to have the knowledge of projections that a fighter of Judo has, and not to be specialized in punchs and kicks fighter of Karate, he has knowledge of the beddings of these techniques and only training of combat in the ground, that a fight makes of the Jiu-Jitsu that if is equivalent very to a real combat.
Men, women, boys and girls of all the continents practise the Jiu-Jitsu. Beyond the learning of the self-defense, this fight brings benefits for them body increasing yours muscular tonic, and yours cardiovascular capacity, moreover you also will be more healthful mentally, therefore who practises this art gains more self-confidence, is most made use, it makes friendships, and finally it eliminates all stress in tatame
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