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Styles The History of the Kung Fu the word "Kung Fu" as Natali (1985) is translated as "Maestria", "Ability and Efficiency" and "Domain reached with the time". The respected authors more translate it for "Ability" and use it to assign the people who if have dedicated for a long time to the domain technician of one discipline until the o point where they can express it with the maximum of habilit.
On East cites Natali (1991) the Kung word fu never is used to assign the martial art, give to preference to the use of two others means.
The origin of the Kung Fu according to Reviewed Kung Fu: Self-defense, its origin if finds in Daily pay-history, where our ancestral ones were obliged the fight against the wild beasts and other men, in order to guarantee its survival. In recent hollowings rock axes had been exhumed, knives and arrows of the neolithic period of China what it proves the use of the same ones for its defense. In the course of the fights between tribes, them they had come to understand that, to defeat the enemy, they must not only have good weapons, but also to improve its physical capacity and its ability of combat, through intensive training in the peace times. This made with that the Chinese civilization occurred a development of diverse martial arts to the long one of séculos.
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