Forming champion in the sport and the life!!!
In middle of the decade of 90 had appeared the first events that had collated the diverse martial arts in search of the best technique.
The events had appeared of Vale-Tudo. With passing of the time, who wanted to win events of good bore would have that to learn and to train other martial arts and if to become complete athletes.
Today the athletes are divided in accordance with the style whom they prefer and not more for its martial art. The STRIKERS and the GRAPPLLERS had appeared. Strikers is the fighters who fight in foot through traumatic blows (kung-fu, karate, boxe, kick-boxing) and grappllers are the fighters who on the basis of fight in the soil twists and immobilizations (jiu-jitsu, free fight, greco-roman, judô, sambo, wrestling).
This derivation made with that grappllers left for the participation in a type of event where traumatic blows would not be applied, was the beginning of the SUBMISSION matches.
The sanctioned event most famous and of the sport is ADCC SUBMISSION WRESTLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, idealized for a Sheik of the Joined Arab Emirates, who has some years comes congregating in its 80 Kingdom Grappllers of all the parts of the world, with all the paid expenditures and prizes distributed between the winners who exceed USS 250.000,00.
The SUBMISSION In the E REGION the CHAMPIONSHIPS CARRIED THROUGH With the match in Abu Dhabi, the Submission Wrestling if expanded for the world in a true meeting of martial arts. In Brazil the sport is so popular that already it obtained to invade the screens of the Net Globe of Television and to turn plot the novel of the eight. In the region Of the state of Rio de Janeiro North the Submission arrived in 2001 with the accomplishment of 1º Submission Wrestling of Is João of the Bar, carried through event inside of the programming of summer in the enclosure for bullfighting of sports mounted in the Beach of Grussaí, in days 16 and 17 of February.
As the event also was carried through in the City of Is João of the Bar, 2º Submission Wrestling of Is João of the Bar, was carried through in January of 2002, the Municipal Gymnasium. 1º Submission Wrestling De Campos of the Goytacazes was the third event of the sport in the region, and happened in days 10 and 11 of August of 2002 in the Gymnasium of an academy camper. It was considered by the specialized press the best event of the year in organization terms and level technician of the fighters.
The room event was 2º Submission Wrestling De Campos of the carried through Goytacazes inside of the programming of summer of the Beach of Lighthouse of Is Thomé in days 07 and 08 of February of 2003.
The event very was balanced and disputed with high level technician of the teams that if it reflected in the result of the categories of weight, with each team making a champion; in the category up to 65 kg won the Aliance; in the one up to 76 kg won the BTT; in category 87 kg it gave New Union; in category 98 kg Gracie-Belo earned Horizon and in the Absolute one it won theVale-Tudo Streets.
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