Forming champion in the sport and the life!!!
The history of the ONG For the SPORT started in the year of 1998, with a idealized particular social project and developed for Prof. Dio, with devoid children and adolescents in the neighborhood of extreme the Tiradentes city east of the city of São Paulo/SP - Brazil.
The sports modalities developed initially were the soccer and jiu-jitsu, had some joys, therefore we harvest many victories inside of square them of soccer with many awardings duly evidenced and we learned a lot, also with the defeats, however, had the difficulties of locomotion for the sports stadium soccer and the constant violence in these places , was not possible to give continuity in the practical withf the soccer, exactly counting on some teamses in such a way of adults how much of children, giving to them bigger attention for the martial arts, in view of its character disciplinarian. We gave continuity to the social work with devoid children in jiu-jitsu, obtaining many infantile champions mirins (provend and registered with the São Paulo federacy of jiu-jitsu).
Prof. Dio sensible with the situation of extreme deficiency of these children, perceived in the practical sport of jiu-jitsu an exit, a way to take off these children of the street and far away of crime, with the support of the master Roberto Vicente of the team ABC JIU-JITSU, continued with your dream, to see these children with a better future.
With passing of the years the demand of children grew,and we had very small the physical space, but in the heart of Prof. Dio always got more, then with few resources and many efforts he obtained to extend the existing physical space, this in the year of 2004.
The daily conviviality with devoid children and adolescents, made Prof. Dio to understand that this project would have that to be well more activitys including, therefore he perceived that many of pupils needed pertaining to school reinforcement, unhappyly were victim of an effective educational system, (criterion of automatic approval in the schools of public education - fact this easily proven by brazilian medias in general way) without commitment with the quality it education.
He believed that with a pedagogical action, including lessons of computation, English, etc.. his pupils would still more have possibility in the work market future, thus making possible a social inclusion by means of practical sports and educational activities, aiming at the leadership of these young citizens whom as much they search and they ask for a chance in the life.
Observing that increased the demand of children and adolescents in the social project, we obtained more professors to give sports activities in some ways of the sport, always trying to give to more activities for the children and adolescents, thus preventing the idleness, therefore as everybody says the phrase: "empty mind is workshop of the devil" - a time that our goal was and continues being, in fact, to take off the children and adolescents of the contact with crime.
We leave clearly since the beginning, that to form champion athletes is a consequence of the good work of base carried through, with very effort, determination, difficulties, sweat and tears on the part of our professors and pupils, therefore we aim at get in the future simply champion or men of good character, as the disciplines , technique and developed education.
Therefore with all the difficulties and without financial aid for nobody Prof. Dio continued with his daily battle in supplying to sport and education freely to pupils, establishing of this form in the day 04/09/2006 OSCIP ONG For SPORT, that will give (in briefing) lessons of English, computer science and pertaining to school reinforcement, therefore is searching partnerships for captation of material or financial resources to give to continuity with ours projects, being born of this form the ONG For SPORT with the main objective to form athlete and citizens good, offering chances of professional, athletical and intellectual growth for the children and adolescents of the Tiradentes city neighborhood and immediacy.
We planted a seed in the past, trying to get good fruits in the future, only wait always to get good fruits, therefore the children are ours future and if we not do nothing for them, so then, who will do it?
We are only making our part, also make yours!
"For times we feel that what we make a water drop is not in the sea, but the sea would be lesser if it lacked a drop to it". Madre Teresa de Calcutá.
Central office
Rua do Arouche, 72 sala 03 República - São Paulo - SP Cep. 01219-000- Brazil
Phone 011-3338-0594 Whatsapp 011-94578-2332
All rights reserved, Ong for Sport 2018