Forming champion in the sport and the life!!!
The Origen of China to the Ju-jitsu Based on stories and legends, the documentary origin of the corporal combat is inexact. The text of the Prof. Carlos Catalano Calleja, who was one of the studious greaters of the Judô in Brazil, shows a little of the history of the beginning of these combats, that had given to origin to the Ju-jitsu.
O beginning of the historical development of the corporal combat if it loses in the night of the times.
The fight, also for necessity and survival, was born with the man and, to this respect, the documents retrace the times mitológicos.Um very old manuscript, the Takanogawi, also tell that deuses Kashima and Kadori kept to be able on its subjects thanks to its abilities of attack and defesa.
A Chronic Old of Japan (nihon Shoki), written for imperial order in the year of 720 of our age, mentions the existence of certain blows of ability and dexterity, not only used in the corporal combats but, as complement of the physical force, mental spiritual and, telling to a mitológica history in which the one of the competitors, grasping adversary for the hand, it plays it to the ground, as a leaf was launched.
According to some Japanese historians, the oldest story of a corporal combat occurred in 230 aC, na.presença of emperor Suinin. Taimano Kehaya, a fighter insolente quickly was nocauteado by a terrible cultor of the combat without weapons, Nomino Sukune.In that time did not have standardized rules and combat.
The fights could be developed until the death of one of competidores.As techniques of used attack and defense keeps much similarity with the blows of sumô and old ju-jitsu.. JU-JITSU is the conjecturas on the historical development of ju-jitsu, but it has forts indications of that they are mere assumptions based on legends or stories, that keep a close relation with the certain appearance of academias.
One of them describe that, for 1650 return, one monge Chinese, Chin Gen Pin, would have idealized terrible called blows "tes", with the objective to kill or to wound one seriously or more adversaries, exactly armados.Alguns years later, when it lived in Japan, knew and made friendship with three samurais.
The Chinese taught to them to all "tes" that wise person. Astonished with the results that could be reached, the three Japanese had submitted a long training and had dedicated to it to perfect it the terrible art of monge chinês.Algum time later, the three Japanese had decided to break up themselves and had left for Japan measure, professionally, to divulge its fabulosos blows.
He is counted that they had obtained to transmit the "art of monge Chinese", to many disciples. These, in turn, had established its proper academies and thus a type of fight was being developed that would have been called ju-jitsu.
The creation of the Judô: Prof. Jigoro deep Kano the Kodokan Jigoro Kano, that was small weak and for nature, started to practise ju-jitsu to the 18 years for the intention of not being dominated by its physical weakness.
He learned atemi-waza (percussion techniques), and katame-waza (domain techniques) of the style ju-jitsu, Tenjin-shin-yo Ryu and nague-waza (techniques of I hurl) of the style of ju-jitsu Kito Ryu.
Based on these techniques it deepened its knowledge taking as base the force and the rationality.
Moreover, He created new techniques for the training of competitive sports but also for the culture of caráter.Adicionando the new aspects to its knowledge of traditional ju-jitsu Kano professor established the Kodokan Institute, with the physical education, the competition and the moral training as its objetivos.
With the establishment of dojô Kodokan, in 1882, and with 9 pupils, Jigoro Kano started its teachings of judô. The text of the studious Japanese Yoshizo Matsumoto shows to the initial concepts of this sport and its objectives.
Prof.Jigoro Kano to the 22 years Entered of 1º dojo of the Kodokan Foundation of the Institute KodokanO Prof. Kano established the Kodokan Institute in 1882, time where dojô (local of trainings) had only 12 tatamis and the number of pupils was nine. Ju-jitsu was substituted by judô for the reason of that while "jitsu" means technique "of" means way to it, this last one being able to have two meanings: of a catequéticos way where you walk and pass and in a way of viver.
How a way of education, in the Kodokan, Jigoro Kano adopted randori, kata and methods, adding physical education to the intellectual training and to the moral culture. The harmony of these three aspects of education constitute the ideal education of which judô will be ensinado.Ao redor of year 20 of the age Meiji (1887), judô had dominated ju-jitsu, that it was swept of some countries. The principle of the "JU", of judô, started to mean the same that in the phrase "gentility is more important that stubbornness".
Thus the theory of the "JU", that it is gentility, smoothness, intends to use the force of the opponent without acting against it, being able to be applied not only in the competition but also to the human aspects. Good cultivação and use of energia Prof. Kano said in 1910 that the theory of the cultivação of the energy treated to adopt a method to improve the mental ability and physical for the storage of both how much will be possible.
He said that its good use is to cultivate and to use the energy human being for the good and that the theory can be to acquire it through the training of judô, being able still to be extended for all the aspects of the life. Before if expanding, the concept of judô of the professor came to form two great guides: the best use of the individual energy and the welfare mutual. With these principles judô was become enlarged in proper Japan and the exterior.
With this base, Prof. Kano left as teaching that through the training the person must discipline itself, to cultivate its body and spirit through the techniques of attack and defense, making to engrandecer the essence of caminho.O more good use of the energy and the welfare mutual is a version Prof. Jigoro Kano - 1910 summarized of the teachings of Jigoro Kano, that defined as objective last of judô to construct the perfection of a person and to benefit the world.
The arrival of the Judô in Brazil - Conde Koma Maeda (to esq.) with oProf. Jigoro Kano In 1904, Koma to the side of Sanshiro Satake, left Japan. They had followed then for the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Equator, Peru (where they had known Laku, master in ju-jitsu that it gave lessons for the Peruvian policy), Chile, where they had kept contact with another fighter, (Okura), Argentina (they had been presented the Shimitsu) and Uruguay. To the side of troupe that they if joined in the South American countries, Koma was shown off for the first time in Brazil in Porto Alegre.
They had followed later for Rio De Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador, Recife, São Luís, Belém (in October of 1915) and finally Manaus, in day 18 of December of the same year. The arrive for the Brazilian cities was marked only by fast presentations. For him elegance and always sad semblante, Mitsuyo Maeda gained the nickname of Conde Koma during the period that was in the first México.
The presentation of the Japanese group in Manaus, intermediated for the Otávio entrepreneur Saucers Júnior, in 20 of December of 1915, happened in the Politeama theater.
Techniques of twists, defenses of blows, keys of joint, demonstration with Japanese weapons and challenge to the public had been presented. With the success of the spectacles, the challenges against the members of the team had multiplied. Between the challengers, boxers as Adolph Corbiniano, of the Barbados, and fighters of free fight Roman as the Arab Nagib Asef and Severino Sales.
At the time Manaus lived "boom" of the rubber and with this the fights were stuffed of appositive millionaire, made for the barons of inject them. Of 4 the 8 of January of 1916, were carried through the first Championship of amazonense Ju-jitsu. Maeda (to dir.) with its friends the general champion was Satake. Conde Koma did not fight of this time, being only with the organization of the event. In the following day (09/01/1916), the Conde, to the side of Okura and Shimitsu, embarked for Liverpool, in England, where they had remained up to 1917.
While the pair remained in the Joined Kingdom, Satake and Laku had followed lecionando ju-jitsu Japanese to the amazonenses in the Athletical Black River. And the eastern masters had continued winning combats the one that were defied. Until in November of 1916, the Italian fighter Alfredi Leconti, empresariado for Gastão Gracie, then partner in the American Circus with the Queirollo Brothers, arrived the Manaus for plus a challenge.
Satake that was frail yielded its place for Laku, being this defeated by Leconti. Sataki, in recovery, would be the next adversary to the Italian, but had the fight generated by occasion of the combat between Laku and the challenger, Bráulio commission agent Young chicken decides to forbid other fights in the amazonense capital.
Maeda participating of challenges aMaeda (in foot to dir.) e its first alunosno Brazil the return to Brazil In 1917, in return to Brazil, more specifically Belém, and having to the side its friend, the English May Iris Maeda, Conde Koma enters the American Circus where Gatão Gracie knows finally. In November of 1919, the Conde returns the Manaus, now in the condition of challenger of its Satake friend. It was then that its career happened the only defeat of Koma in all.
In the previous biography they said that it never had been defeated. Then it comes back toward Belém and in 1920, already with the crisis of the rubber, he is I insult the American Circus.
With this, Mitsuo Maeda embarks again for England. In 1922, immigration agent returns as, working for the Industrial Company Amazonense and starts to teach judô to the belenenses in the Bologna Village. In the same year, its Satake former-friend embarks never more for the Europe and if he has notice of great mestre.Conde Koma continued in Belém, falecendo in July of 1941.
Carlos and Hélio Gracie, children of Gastão had followed acting in ju-jitsu, modality who had learned with Koma in the circus of the father. This, later that the martial art already definitively was implanted in Manaus for the members of troupe of Koma, mainly Sanshiro "Black Belly" Satake.a the Japanese influence in judô Brazilian current to judô Brazilian is Japanese of origin.
The biggest concentration of the eastern colony is in São Paulo. He is not toa that this state has if become the strongest in judô nacional.Não was to toa also that the first olímpica medal of judô daqui has Japanese last name: Chiaki Ishii, naturalized Brazilian who conquered bronze in the Olimpíadas de Munique.
Was necessary decades of germination in the Japanese ghettos until the modality to conquer space in the esportiva agenda of brasileiros.
Today, is one of the concurred sports activities more. to the Practised one in gyms, clubs and schools, judô very is respected as sport disciplinarian and at the same time as one of most competitive of the world.
To prove this they are the thousands of enrolled athletes in the state federacies and the olímpicas medals there that judô Brazilian already conquered: two of gold, one of silver and five of bronze.
The judô of Brazil has in a born Brazilian its bigger name: Aurélio Miguel ,gold medal in the Olimpíadas of Seoul (88) and bronze in the ones of Atlanta (96).But exactly main ídolo of the sport for is considered here more Japanese than very Japanese. By the way, it recommends Japan as inspired source and local ideal for training. "Before all my important conquests always it had a period of training in Japan", justified.
Common fact in the history of the smashing majority of the athletes of all the states, in the formation of judoca Aurélio Miguel also goes to meet one ` sensei ' typically Japanese. In the case of it, Massao Shinohara. The fine style does not obtain to hide ` orientalidade ' of his origin.
Together, the intense interchange promoted for the entities that dirigem the sport in the country and the natural talent of the national athletes, has disclosed successive generations of good athletes in the international competitions as Lhofei Shiozawa, Ryoji Suzuki, Takayuki Nishida, Hely Sassaki, Anelson War, Luís and Nelson Onmura, Walter Carmona, Douglas Vieira, Carlos Alberto Pacheco, Carlos Alberto MC Wedge, Oswaldo Simões, Ricardo and Rogério Sampaio, Edinanci Silva, Danielle Zangrando, Enrique Guimarães, Sebastian Pereira and disciplinarian Fúlvio Miyata between many others.
The character is one of the main particularitities of judô. Also one of the great inheritances of the sport practised here is this. The Japanese masters transmit its pupils a conscience of hierarchy and respect that many parents have difficulties to pass the children.
During the last decades, however, this educative aspect of judô comes losing force. The immigrants are disappearing and its more distant descendants being each time of its origins. To the few, judô Brazilian goes losing sotaque and the senseis guardianship of ` ' as Shinohara, Oide, Onodera, Ishii, Ono, Suganuma, Miura etc. The names are yielding its places as Geraldo Bernardes, Pablo Duarte, Pablo Wanderley, Ney Wilson, Floriano de Almeida, Douglas Vieira, Sergio Person, etc..
However, will be necessary sets of ten of years until judô of Brazil leaves to be transparent its origin. After all, the form that molded the generations that had passed continue to be used for the former-pupils, today in the function of masters. Moreover, last names as Ishii, Shinohara, Miyata, among others, follow leading to the tatames and in green-yellow judô that they had learned in the cradle.
This miscegenation repeats in other countries, but in no place it is so strong as in Brazil. As in the world of today globalization it is the word of order, can only be waited that it if does not translate briefing for homogenization of the sport. It is important that judô keeps in each region its flavors próprios.
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