Forming champion in the sport and the life!!!
History of the TaeKwonDo
The Taekwondo was born in the peninsula that today bes situated the Coréias. For this fact origin of the korean people, what it becomes the Taekwondo a form to reveal its culture.
The Taekwondo appeared in a period where the korean peninsula was divided in three kingdoms, this period is considered one of the most important periods of its history, therefore this preceded the unification of the peninsula in a nation (Later divided in Two).
The kingdoms were located Silla the Southeast, Koguryo to the north and Baek- Je to the southwest. During centuries these kingdoms had fought between sí for the control of the basin of the River Han, therefore this age the main way of commerce with China, then that one that got the control on the basin would get hegemony in peninsula.
The kingdom of Koguryo was ally of the China, that lived under the Tang dynasty, and this became it each time stronger front the other kingdoms. This surperioridade of Koguryo threatened these kingdoms, and the danger if it became imminent the measure that the invasions of Koguryo mainly grew on the Kingdom of Silla.
The King of Silla, Chin Heung, feeling itself acuado decided to defend its people, and for this he convoked the young of the aristocracy to form a group of the elite under the command of General Kim Yum Shim. These young Would be trained under a rigid one to disciplinamilitar and having the native land as mother, with the objective the gentlemen of the war to be become, this group received the name from HWAN RA (bigger brother).
The training the one that was submitted was arduous and impious, giving insuperáveis physical conditions and giving to conditions they to it to pass for the tasks most difficult. However to these men it lacked disciplines it of its spirit, so that true not murderous warriors became and the control of its King, and for this them was tax a rigid code of honor whose principios had given to origin its philosophy. Its principles were:
1, Loyalty to the King;
2, Obedience to the Parents;
3, Faith stops with the friends;
4, Nape of the neck to withdraw before the enemy;
5,To only kill will be really necessary.
These I begin gave to them state of hardeness to it of the warrior and the justice of the scholars, giving to them in end a complete formation, was thus appearing the Hwan Ra Of (the way of the brother biggest).
The young of the Hwan Ra Of it trained the techniques of diverse fights with the free hands, as the Su Bak and the Tae Kyon(that it means to kick jumping), besides dominating the handling of some weapons (arc and arrow, baton, knife and launch).
The bravery and the devotion of these young the synonymous one of the ideal of a people became, symbology that remains until the current days. The certainty you gave to young, allied à its disciplines and organization had as resulted the gradual hegemony do Kingdom of Silla on the opponent kingdoms, this hegemony if d.C. materialize no 670 year of, when the Kingdoms of Koguryo and Baek Je had been unified under the Flag of Silla, na city of Surabul and being Kim Yum Shim its founder.
After he is epoch until the beginning of this century the martial arts, in special the Tae Kyon, if they had developed in Korea, therefore this country was developed without any foreign influence during centuries, having arrived to be known as "Kingdom Hermit", such age its isolation mainly of ocidente.
In 1909 Japan invaded the country, suppressing all the cultural manifestations of the korean people, also and especially the martial arts, since arrow had an especially nationalistic fist. The Japanese occupation lasted up to 1945 when the end of the World War II contributed for the end of this occupation.
During this period, although forbidden, the Tae Kyon, private continued being kept, in special for two masters, Song Of the Ki and Han Ji Dog, who had worked to keep alive this art.
From 1945 with the independent country then Lieutenant Choi Hong Hi was the responsible one to continue the teachings of that art for the soldiers, from there ties militarista to it of the Taekwondo. In day 11 of April of 1955, an assembly between instructors, historians and personalities that had unified the styles and had created the National Martial Art with the name of Taekwondo, whose translation means, Tae = foot, Kwon happened under the command of General Choi Hong Hi = hand, Of = way, or "Way of the feet and the hand".
Until this event the Tae possuía Kyon innumerable schools that had been unified in the new name. To this height the martial arts, in special the Japaneses, already had been very spread out, the same did not occur with the Taekwondo exactly per the years of isolation the one that Korea was submitted.
The nonsense arrived at such point that many korean masters who had immigrated for America had been obliged to divulge its academies as being of Karatê Koreano so that they did not die of hunger, size was the preconception and the lack of information on the Taekwondo. With the objective to spread out the art the masters had made some adaptations so that competitions of Taekwondo could be carried through, had appeared then the equipment of competition.
The adaptations had been necessary therefore the Taekwondo were born being a way of defense and a sport, not being especially taught in the Force Armed Native of Koreas. The trained military were in such way that during the war of Korea, some commands had been known, and were called Squadrons Tiger.
In the year of 1964 the first competition of Taekwondo in the world was carried through. In 1965 the KTA was established (Korea Taekwondo Association, or Korean Association of Taekwondo), the first agency prescribed it the Taekwondo. The year of 1972 enters and 1973 when the Taekwondo started if to expand president Park Chung Hee convoked the notables of taekwondo to an assembly creating then, in day 28 of May of 1973 the WTF (Word Teakwondo Federatian, or World-wide Federacy of Taekwondo, with headquarters in Seul(Coréa of the South) under the presidencia of the Dr. Un Yon Kim and that she has as style the KuKKiwon.
The WTF initiated the adaptations of the international masters to the new style and continued the expansion of the art through the new groups of international instructors. Still in 1973 1° was become fullfilled in Seoul World-wide Championship of Taekwondo, with the participation of 19 paises.
Currently the WTF this established in 124 paises, reaching a population of more than 30 participant million. The Taekwondo was recognized for International the Olímpico Committee in 1980, in which it made possible its expansion, being that olimpíadas(Seoul in 1988 was invited to participate as sport of demonstration in two, and Barcelona 1992), and become Olímpic sport, now in the Sidney Olimpic 2000.
The Taekwondo still participates of diverse competitions as the Games Asian Pan-Americans, Games and African Games Notes on the World-wide
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