Forming champion in the sport and the life!!!
Do you know what it is Self-defense?
Qualification of tácticas and techniques systemize and accessible to any person for the trainings, endowing it with mechanisms necessary and enough to stop any share do(s) agressor(s) against its life, physical integrity, freedom and property, with the minimum danger or damages for itself, o(s) agressor(s) and for third, increasing the levels to it of auto reliable control and.
The importance of the Self-defense today, in a society in wide expansion of aggressiveness and violence, that does not look at the ways (vitimas) to reach the ends, is indeed preoccupying.
Was concluded that the traditional systems of existing martial arts where the athletical factor physical is preponderant, relegating the tácticos factors and plain technician for 2º, very are desactualizados and violent face to the current society, in which the values as offence and freedom is basic, tolerating the opinion does not publish, any extreme aggression against such values. Thus, in the scope of the formation and competition, the national and international level, in you discipline them of, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Ju Jitsu, Tai Jitsu, Boxe and Karate, was accumulated vast experience during the 30 years of laborious work of study, searches and gauging of the useful one.
Carried through studies in the area of the anatomy, biomechanics, physics, psychology and neurology for inclusion of the instinct of preservation, reflected arc, fear and other areas of the science of application in the self-defense. After about 6 years of contact with the security forces, to give complementary formation in the area of the self-defense, control of confrontations and detention of people. The experience concluded to be possible a simple system for ends of self-defense (it does not include combats of ringue) without great requirements of physical attributes and motor abilities, indeed efficient and safe for all the intervening ones in the confrontation.
Currently en vogue, the techniques of self-defense had been during much time of the sphere of almost exclusive knowledge of the military and police forces and of dedicated staff to the security areas.
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